Breast Augmentation FAQs: Answering the Most Frequently Asked Questions for First-Time Patients

Is getting a breast augmentation worth it? Our Vancouver area team knows that patients are often curious about the benefits of this procedure. For patients who feel like their breasts are too small or asymmetrical, breast augmentation can be an excellent way to boost self-esteem. It also has plenty of other physical and mental benefits. Knowledge is power when it comes to cosmetic surgery. If you want to get the best results from plastic surgery, it’s recommended that you do your own homework and that you come to your consultation with an open mind about discussing your options. It’s a good idea to look at before and after photos and learn about what to expect during recovery. If you’re considering breast augmentation for the first time but have questions about what to expect from the procedure, be sure to check out our answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about this type of cosmetic surgery.

  • Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Patients who are in good health, are not pregnant or breastfeeding, have realistic expectations, and have breasts that have fully developed are the best candidates for breast augmentation. If you feel like your breasts are too small, are dissatisfied with their shape or volume, feel like the upper part of the breasts are too empty, or feel like your breasts are too asymmetrical or elongated then breast augmentation could be right for you.

  • When Can You Return to Work After Breast Augmentation?

The guidelines for when you can return to work will vary depending on the type of job you have and its physical demands. Generally, you will need to avoid upper arm movements for the first two weeks and lifting anything heavier than five pounds for six weeks.

  • How Do You Choose the Best Implant Size?

Choosing the right size for your implants is often one of the most challenging but important decisions. Dr. Reid will work with you during your consultation to help you determine which breast size you desire. Each patient’s body is different.

Is getting a breast augmentation worth it? Our Vancouver area office of Dr. Owen Reid can explain more to help you decide if this surgery would be the best choice for you. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation if you would like to discuss the benefits of breast surgery.