How Can You Benefit from Body Contouring After Weight Loss?

What are the benefits of body contouring surgery? Our Vancouver area patients who are considering these types of procedures may wonder whether it’s a good choice for them. During bariatric surgery, changes are made to your digestive system to help you lose weight. Patients often turn to weight loss surgery as a last resort if they are experiencing serious health problems because of severe obesity and haven’t been able to lose enough weight with diet or exercise. After weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery, patients can expect dramatic changes to their body within the first year. Within twelve to eighteen months, they will have likely lost over one hundred pounds.

One of the things many patients don’t usually expect from major weight loss is that they may be left with excess sagging skin that can only be fixed with cosmetic surgery. There may be changes to your body shape or contours due to excess, saggy skin, and loss of muscle mass. It’s normal for some loose skin to be left behind. This occurs because your skin may not have an adequate amount of elasticity to snap back into place after you have lost weight. Even though you may be feeling physically and mentally better, the presence of excess skin can cause other physical and emotional challenges, such as physical discomfort, skin irritation, and poor body image.

Body contouring is a type of plastic surgery that involves tightening skin, shaping different areas of the body, and removing excess fat. Common examples include tucks, lifts, and liposuction. Body contouring surgery can often be the final part of a patient’s weight loss journey. It can also be beneficial for those who simply want to maximize their workout results or are struggling with other concerns such as separated abdominal muscles. Procedures such as an upper body lift, brachioplasty (arm lift) and tummy tuck can remove excess skin and tissue while reshaping the tissue for a smoother, firmer appearance. During these procedures, we make cuts to remove tissue from certain areas and sculpt smoother contours. We customize each procedure to suit your unique needs.

Want to learn more about the benefits of body contouring after weight loss? Contact Vancouver area’s Dr. Owen Reid for more details. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation.

Breast Augmentation FAQs: Answering the Most Frequently Asked Questions for First-Time Patients

Is getting a breast augmentation worth it? Our Vancouver area team knows that patients are often curious about the benefits of this procedure. For patients who feel like their breasts are too small or asymmetrical, breast augmentation can be an excellent way to boost self-esteem. It also has plenty of other physical and mental benefits. Knowledge is power when it comes to cosmetic surgery. If you want to get the best results from plastic surgery, it’s recommended that you do your own homework and that you come to your consultation with an open mind about discussing your options. It’s a good idea to look at before and after photos and learn about what to expect during recovery. If you’re considering breast augmentation for the first time but have questions about what to expect from the procedure, be sure to check out our answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about this type of cosmetic surgery.

  • Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Patients who are in good health, are not pregnant or breastfeeding, have realistic expectations, and have breasts that have fully developed are the best candidates for breast augmentation. If you feel like your breasts are too small, are dissatisfied with their shape or volume, feel like the upper part of the breasts are too empty, or feel like your breasts are too asymmetrical or elongated then breast augmentation could be right for you.

  • When Can You Return to Work After Breast Augmentation?

The guidelines for when you can return to work will vary depending on the type of job you have and its physical demands. Generally, you will need to avoid upper arm movements for the first two weeks and lifting anything heavier than five pounds for six weeks.

  • How Do You Choose the Best Implant Size?

Choosing the right size for your implants is often one of the most challenging but important decisions. Dr. Reid will work with you during your consultation to help you determine which breast size you desire. Each patient’s body is different.

Is getting a breast augmentation worth it? Our Vancouver area office of Dr. Owen Reid can explain more to help you decide if this surgery would be the best choice for you. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation if you would like to discuss the benefits of breast surgery.

Saline vs. Silicone Implants: How Do They Compare?

If you feel like your breasts are too small for your frame or asymmetrical, breast augmentation may be helpful to you. This highly customizable surgery can improve the appearance of your bust along with the overall contours of the body. Breast surgery is highly transformative but the decision to have it isn’t one to make casually. If you’re considering breast augmentation at our Vancouver area office, there are some important decisions you’ll need to make. The first choice you may have to make is which type of implant you should have. There are two types of implant fillings: saline and silicone. If you’re planning on improving the size and shape of your breasts, you may be unsure whether saline implants or silicone implants would be the better option for you. Here are some factors you should consider if you want to make a smart decision.

Both of these implant types are safe and FDA-approved. The main difference between saline and silicone implants is the material that they contain. Silicone is an inert gel that has no known human allergies. Many patients believe that silicone implants look and feel more natural than saline ones. Silicone is a more viscous, cohesive material with a gummy bear-like texture that flows differently, and silicone implants are soft to the touch while saline implants feel firmer. The silicone gel has a texture that is more similar to fat than saline implants.

Additionally, saline implants have a rounder appearance while saline implants have more natural-looking curves. Saline implants have the consistency of water, and sometimes their folds can be seen or felt easily under very thin skin. One thing to consider when you are choosing an implant type is what could happen if a rupture occurred. If a saline implant ruptures, the saltwater solution is safely absorbed into the body, and you will notice the rupture quickly as the size and shape of the implants will change. On the other hand, silicone implant ruptures can often be more difficult to detect. The breasts may hold their shape and the silicone material leaks into surrounding tissues.

Learn more about breast augmentation from the Vancouver area office of Dr. Owen Reid. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation if you would like to discuss breast surgery.

What Should You Know Before Having Liposuction?

Even if we’re in good shape, almost everyone has at least one problem area they wish they could address. It’s difficult to achieve the ideal body shape if genetics or hormonal factors make you have the tendency to store more fat on specific areas. Liposuction is what our Vancouver area-based office of Dr. Owen Reid usually recommends for patients who are slim but just want to reduce some excess fat from isolated areas for a more balanced body shape. The great thing about liposuction is that it directly suctions away fat cells from specific areas and once the fat is gone, it can’t return. Even if you were to gain weight in the future, the areas that were treated with liposuction will be proportionally smaller compared to the ones that weren’t treated. Liposuction is a more simple, straightforward option compared to many other forms of plastic surgery, however that doesn’t mean you should take the decision to have this surgery lightly. If you’re planning on undergoing liposuction, here are some things you should be aware of.

  • Liposuction Won’t Address Loose or Excess Skin

Sometimes the problem areas on your body that you’re self-conscious about are caused by a combination of loose, sagging skin and excess fat. Although liposuction suctions the unwanted fat, it won’t do anything to correct the loose skin. In fact, if you have lots of excess, sagging skin, liposuction can sometimes make it look worse. It’s better consider other procedures such as a tummy tuck if you have sagging skin. The best candidates are those who have maintained some skin elasticity and don’t have much cellulite.

  • It's Not a Weight Loss Surgery

It’s a common myth that liposuction makes you lose weight. The truth is that liposuction is only intended for patients who are at or close to their goal body weight. It’s intended for those who just have one or a few small problem areas, not as a treatment for overweight or obesity. Chances are, you’ll only lose between two to five pounds at most. However, you’ll lose inches and fit better in clothing.

For more details about liposuction, contact the Vancouver area office of Dr. Owen Reid. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to schedule a consultation if you would like to discuss plastic surgery and start planning your procedure.


This will be of interest to anyone who is considering a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) in Vancouver. In it’s most common form, the BBL is a two part procedure comprised of circumferential liposuction of the torso and fat transfer to the buttocks. Recently, several plastic surgery organizations have expressed their concern regarding the safety of the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. A selected group of international experts was asked to review the matter and their findings and recommendations have recently been made available.  I would like to review these findings, the history and current state of BBLs in my practice and my thoughts on where we go from here.

My Experience

In my own practice, the BBL has been a safe and effective method of improving body shape and proportions. Over the past 12 months, BBLs have emerged as one of the most common procedures in my cosmetic practice. I’m not aware of any complications, in my own practice, that have been related to the fat grafting portion of the procedure.

Cause for Concern

During the last few years, the popularity of BBLs has grown rapidly, however, several fatalities, outside of Canada, have been cause for concern. Many of these cases have been reviewed. Here is what is known:

  • The mortality rate is approximately 1 in 3000 - the highest for any aesthetic procedure by a wide margin.
  • In all cases of BBL related deaths, the cause was a fat embolism - a complication where fat injected in to the buttock area enters a deep vein and travels to the heart and lungs.
  • In all cases of fat embolism, transferred fat was identified within and deep to the gluteal muscles, where these large veins are found.
  • There have been no identified cases of fat embolism when the fat is exclusively grafted in to the subcutaneous layer.

The recommendations that followed this review address technique and equipment in an effort to help surgeons avoid intra-muscular injections and fat embolism.

Impact On My Practice

I have reviewed my own practice so that I may offer the safest BBL possible. As before, I will continue to avoid intra-muscular injections of fat, however, inadvertent placement of fat in the muscle remains a possibility. Patients need to be aware of this issue and give it due consideration as they weigh the potential risks and benefits of surgery.

Given that intra-muscular injections are to be avoided, and given that the subcutaneous layer will only accommodate a finite amount of fat, there will be limitations to the amount of fat that can be grafted and therefore limitations to the degree of gluteal augmentation that can be achieved.

Part of my role is to clarify the balance of risks and benefits for each patient during the consultation so that it’s possible for patients to make an informed decision. I will continue to follow this issue closely in an effort to stay current with the best available evidence.

The Importance of Protein Supplementation for MWL patients undergoing body contouring

In a recent study published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, a simple regimen of protein supplementation was found to reduce the incidence of post-operative wound healing issues. I decided to summarize parts of the paper here in this month's blog because it has the potential to enhance the recovery for all of our massive weight loss patients who are undergoing body contouring procedures.
This study was published by a group working out of Mississauga, lead by Dr. Jamil Ahmad and Dr. Frank Lista. They recognized that for massive weight loss patients there are more wound healing issues following body contouring surgery in comparison to other body contouring patients. It's well known that post-bariatric patients experience higher rates of protein calorie insufficiency and the authors hypothesized that protein supplementation would help to reduce the number of post-operative wound healing complications.
Two groups of 23 massive weight loss (MWL) patients undergoing abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) were selected. The two groups were similar with regards to age, gender, BMI and other characteristics. Patients in the treatment group were asked to supplement their diet with 80 grams of whey-isolate protein powder for 4 weeks before surgery and 4 weeks after surgery. This was the only difference between the two groups.
The treatment group had a significantly lower rate of wound healing issues (0% vs 21.7%).
Protein calorie insufficiency is common amongst post-bariatric patients. In addition, protein requirements are increased during the healing phase following body contouring surgery. It's not unexpected then that the authors were able to demonstrate improved healing and recovery in the group who received protein supplementation.
"Based on this article, I would encourage all of my MWL patients to incorporate some protein supplementation in to their pre- and post-surgery diets."
Article reference:
Austin, Ryan et al. The Impact of Protein Nutritional Supplementation for Massive Weight Loss Patients undergoing Abdominoplasty. Aesthetic Surgery Journal; 2015, 1-7.

Plastic Surgery for Men - our top 8 cosmetic procedures

It's been my observation that men are less likely than women to disucss their plastic surgery needs with friends and family. As a result, there may be a dampened public awareness of all that goes on regarding men and plastic surgery. This was recently exemplified by the American Society of Plastic Surgery who reported, in their annual statistics, that 40% of all 'breast reductions' in the U.S. were performed on men. While the correction of gynecomastia is perhaps the most well known reason for men to stray in to a plastic surgeon's office there are in fact many other products and services that are designed for men.
Body contouring procedures that are popular with men include correction of gynecomastia, liposuction and abdominoplasty.
  • Male breast reduction surgery is covered in detail on a dedicated page and this is perhaps the most common reason for men to consult with Dr. Reid.
  • Liposuction can be a powerful tool for re-shaping the torso and reducing stubborn fat deposits. Treatment of the abdominal and 'love-handle' areas are most common. Minimal scarring and downtime help to make liposuction a popular procedure.
  • Men who choose to have a tummy tuck have often lost a significant amount of weight and this procedure is ideal for those who have loose skin in the abdominal area.
Above the neck, there are several treatment options for men. Some of them are surgical procedures that require anaesthetic, while others are conveniently offered in the office.
  • Lose the double-chin. Check out our page on Belkyra, a minimally invasive injectable treatment to remove submental fat to create a more athletic looking neck line.
  • For more challenging necks, a surgical neck lift with submental liposuction is powerful procedure that can restore, or create, a youthful looking neck.
  • A chin augmentation strengthens the look of a 'weak' jaw and can dramatically change a guy's profile and their overall look. It's often a great complement to the neck treatments listed above. Minor augmentations can be achieved in the office with an injectable filler, while more dramatic results require placement of an implant.
  • Women get Botox . . . . men get 'Brotox'. The product is the same, but the aesthetic goals are different. Botox should be considered by those men who have persistent creases and wrinkles affecting either the brow or forehead.
  • Aging men with loose upper eyelid skin should consider a blepharoplasty. This relatively minor surgical procedure removes redundant skin and aims to restore a crisp upper eyelid fold while maintaining a masculine look.
That concludes our run down of Dr. Reid's top 8 cosmetic procedures for men.

Back lifts - an important procedure for weight loss patients

Post-bariatric body contouring is an area of special interest for me. Through my interactions with weight loss patients in the office, and on, I sense that the treatment of loose skin in the mid back area is not understood all that well.  I do have a page on the site dedicated to this topic, but I will expand on that with this blog post, and hopefully answer any lingering questions.
Weight loss often results in the development of loose excess skin that accumulates in to folds and rolls that disrupt a person's normal body shape. It's common to have skin laxity in the lateral chest and mid back area.  This can result in one or more transversely oriented folds that extend from the breast around to the back. In more severe cases, this redundant skin can extend inferiorly where it also effects the contour of the waist, lower back and hips. Patients often complain that their bra doesn't fit well.
The removal of excess skin from these areas requires a Back Lift (also referred to as an 'upper body lift'). In a woman, the intended scar position mirrors the position of the bra strap. In a man, the incision parallels the textural lines in the skin. Excess skin is removed in a vertical direction. This will tighten the back and the lateral chest. In addition, there may be improvement in the contour of the hips and lumbar area as well. A back lift can be done as a stand alone procedure, but it is more commonly combined with a breast reduction, breast lift or correction of gynecomastia. A Lower body lift does not include a back lift. However, these 2 operations are often complimentary and they can be performed in any order.
In my own practice, the back lift procedure is less common than abdominal contouring procedures, about as common as arm lifts and more common than thigh lifts. Following a back lift, the level of discomfort is similar to that of a breast lift and less than an abdominoplasty. If drains are required, they are usually removed within a few days. A post-operative bra or compression garment is beneficial for about 3-4 weeks.
In summary, a back lift is a relatively less known body contouring procedure that can be very impactful for a large subset of weight loss patients.