How Does Liposuction Differ from Weight Loss?

Liposuction is a technique used to enhance a patient’s appearance by breaking up and removing fat from below the skin on certain areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, neck, chin, and backs of the upper arms. Although liposuction can be highly effective when it comes to removing unwanted fat, one of the biggest misconceptions that patients who seek out body contouring surgery in the Vancouver area often have is that liposuction is a “weight loss” procedure or that it’s an easy way out or “instant gratification” treatment when it comes to losing weight. The truth is that while the surgery is highly effective, it wouldn’t be possible to obtain the same results from liposuction that could be achieved through traditional methods of weight loss like diet and exercise. Liposuction differs from weight loss in several major ways.

The safest and most effective way of losing a substantial amount of weight for patients who are overweight is through a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a balanced, controlled diet and consistent exercise, along with bariatric surgery in certain cases, would be the best option. Liposuction isn’t a substitute for weight loss. This body contouring surgery improves proportions of the body by removing some subcutaneous fat (soft, pinchable fat that’s found directly below the skin). Patients typically only lose between two to five pounds in total through this surgery.

The ideal patient for liposuction would be someone who’s in good health, within thirty percent of their healthy weight range and has a few excess deposits of resistant fat on certain areas that they want to slim down. The goal of the procedure is to re-shape their body to create an attractive appearance rather than to reduce pounds. Although patients may initially lose some weight and inches through this body contouring procedure, it isn’t a permanent weight loss solution or a treatment for obesity. Seeing the results from liposuction will often motivate many patients to want to continue a healthy exercise and diet routine to maintain their new body shape.

Curious about how body contouring surgery works? The Vancouver area office of Dr. Owen Reid can answer any questions you might have about this form of cosmetic surgery. Call us directly at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation if you’re interested in exploring options.