How Long Do the Results from a Tummy Tuck Last?

Maintaining balanced breast and hip contours with a slim waistline isn’t always easy because genetics, pregnancy, or weight gain can cause you to store resistant excess fat on the midsection or stretched skin that won’t go away. Although patients can obtain impressive results from plastic surgery performed by an experienced practitioner, one of the most common concerns that patients have is whether their stomach will remain flat permanently. The results from a tummy tuck from our Vancouver area practice are considered to be permanent because the fat and skin cannot return after we have removed them surgically. The slimming and tightening effects will be long lasting but with that said, it will still be important for patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid anything that could reverse them.

Remember that it’s still possible to gain weight even after having this procedure and weight gain can cause the skin to become stretched out again. The most important thing patients can do is maintain a stable weight. Extreme weight gain in the future could cause excess fat deposition that would undo the results. If you want to maintain the sculpted body shape you get from a tummy tuck for years to come, here’s what we recommend doing.

  • Eat Healthy

Patients will need to make certain lifestyle changes after a tummy tuck such as avoiding processed foods and refined carbohydrates along with high sugar, and high fat foods. Focus on including more nutritious foods in your diet

  • Exercise Regularly

Although plastic surgery can give you outstanding results, there’s no replacement for regular exercise for maintaining good health. A combination of aerobic exercise and weight training will help you to tone your abdominal area.

  • Manage Stress

Stress due to sleep deprivation or other factors causes your appetite to increase and causes hormonal balances in the body that make you more likely to gain weight on the abdominal area.

Learn more about what to expect from a tummy tuck in the Vancouver area at the practice of Dr. Owen Reid to enhance the abdominal area by tightening skin, removing fat, and repairing weakened muscles. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to schedule a consultation and tell us more about your goals.