Is A Lower Body Lift Right for Me?

You may have noticed that weight usually comes off easier and returns faster on certain areas than others. Everyone’s body shape is unique, and we don’t have much control over how our weight is distributed because that’s mostly affected by genetics and hormonal influences. For women in particular, the lower body areas such as the hips, thighs, and buttocks tend to be the areas where they store excess fat. After losing a significant amount of weight, whether through traditional methods or bariatric surgery, one of the drawbacks for many patients is the excess skin they are left with on the lower body area. Once skin has been stretched out because of weight gain, especially if you’ve been overweight for a long time and lost weight rapidly, it can’t return to its previous tighter shape. Patients are often self-conscious about the way this makes their body look and wish they could restore a more youthful, slimmer appearance. Body contouring procedures such as lower body lifts from our Vancouver area office are a popular way of addressing the skin wrinkling and sagging that occurs on the lower body areas, since they allow the patient to have the excess skin removed and tissues repositioned.

If you can’t decide whether this is the procedure you should have, ask yourself whether a minimally invasive procedure would be enough to achieve your goals or whether you would need a more invasive surgical option. Generally, the candidates who will benefit most from a lower body lift include patients who:

  • Have significant soft tissue laxity or wrinkling on one or several areas on the body including the thighs, buttocks, and lower abdomen
  • Have older skin
  • Are in good health without any underlying medical issues that may make surgery riskier or delay healing
  • Maintain a positive outlook and realistic expectations for what they can attain with the surgery
  • Don’t smoke
  • Are dedicated to maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet
  • Have experienced massive weight loss
  • Want to complete their weight loss journey by removing loose skin

Contact Dr. Owen Reid if you would like a more in-depth explanation on the benefits of lower body lifts from his Vancouver area practice. Curious about how this procedure works? Call directly at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation if you’re considering plastic surgery.