Saline vs. Silicone Implants: How Do They Compare?

If you feel like your breasts are too small for your frame or asymmetrical, breast augmentation may be helpful to you. This highly customizable surgery can improve the appearance of your bust along with the overall contours of the body. Breast surgery is highly transformative but the decision to have it isn’t one to make casually. If you’re considering breast augmentation at our Vancouver area office, there are some important decisions you’ll need to make. The first choice you may have to make is which type of implant you should have. There are two types of implant fillings: saline and silicone. If you’re planning on improving the size and shape of your breasts, you may be unsure whether saline implants or silicone implants would be the better option for you. Here are some factors you should consider if you want to make a smart decision.

Both of these implant types are safe and FDA-approved. The main difference between saline and silicone implants is the material that they contain. Silicone is an inert gel that has no known human allergies. Many patients believe that silicone implants look and feel more natural than saline ones. Silicone is a more viscous, cohesive material with a gummy bear-like texture that flows differently, and silicone implants are soft to the touch while saline implants feel firmer. The silicone gel has a texture that is more similar to fat than saline implants.

Additionally, saline implants have a rounder appearance while saline implants have more natural-looking curves. Saline implants have the consistency of water, and sometimes their folds can be seen or felt easily under very thin skin. One thing to consider when you are choosing an implant type is what could happen if a rupture occurred. If a saline implant ruptures, the saltwater solution is safely absorbed into the body, and you will notice the rupture quickly as the size and shape of the implants will change. On the other hand, silicone implant ruptures can often be more difficult to detect. The breasts may hold their shape and the silicone material leaks into surrounding tissues.

Learn more about breast augmentation from the Vancouver area office of Dr. Owen Reid. Call us at 604-343-9309 or submit a contact form to request a consultation if you would like to discuss breast surgery.